To slow down the time

We were all alone at our school, apart from the teahcers who were all sitting in a meeting. We had 20 minutes of free time and we were bored. Then she turned to look at me and suggested we play a game of hide- and- go- seek. I blew that proposal off right away, but then started to reconsider. I was not going to force her to count to 400 as I ran around the school looking for a place to hide. So I texted her shortly after I went to the most obvious place and hid in a corner. It took her 20 minutes to find me, and when she did I scared the bgeezes out of her. She had been looking in every single bathroom in the school, poor thing.

Postat av: sara

haha, nästa gång blir det minsann du som ska få leta på hela spyken! puss söte!

2009-05-09 @ 09:28:58

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