You can grow flowers from where dirt used to be

There's this lady. She is about 60 years old.. perhaps. She comes in every Saturday, during my working shift. About 01:00 pm.- approximately. And every week, she orders one lunch buffé and one beer. She always says "One buffé and beer, please". And she always smiles. She has a sweet smile. But, it's almost a bit of an embarrassed smile. The reason for this is that we both know what she's going to say, even before she says it. Sometimes I just feel like giving her the beer right away. But then again, I isn't right for me to just asume that she wants one. I sometimes also feel like giving one to her for free, but what if she wants to quit drinking? I don't really have a say in any of this. It's her beer. And it's our little awkward moment of ebarrassment and humor.    


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