So hard to saty, too hard to leave

Autumn is here. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way. I think I might be getting sick. I hope not. This weekend shall be full of events. Meeting up with a bunch of friends tonight. Hopefully, make a few new ones. Working tomorrow and then playing Laserdome with some close friends in the evening. I love it, it makes me feel like a kid. Speaking of being a kid, I learned that I probably won't get much taller that I am at the moment. A few centimetres would have been nice, but I've always been short. I guess it's kind of my signature. 
"I'm looking for my friend Laura."
"Who is that? Does she go to our school?"
"Litte short black haired girl."
"Oooh, I know who that is."

I have heard different versions of this conversation far too many times. But, I don't mind.

It's cold. I'm sitting here in my huge socks made of down. Damn you, Autumn! No actually, it's probably one of my favorite seasons. My other favorite seasons are winter, spring and summer of course. I like autumn because it's my birthday season. It's coming up.... I have no idea (Actually just a few small ones) how I'm gonna celebrate. Any ideas? Please comment if you have any. 

Quote of the day:
J: Ja, och de täckte ju leran med en glasyr som gjorde att den blev lättare att bygga med. Det är därför nomadernas hus höll lite bättre efter ett tag.
M: Alltså, sockerglasyr.. eller?

Gash, I'm going to  bury myself in ten thousand blankets and watch Oprah now. Bye  


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