Simply knowing you exist, ain't good enough for me

Hey Im Laura. Im a girl. Im 16 at the moment. 17 this year. I am into most things and Im not afriad of trying new things either. I enjoy going to concerts and doing other similar things that involve music and meeting new people. But I do not have a problem with just sitting at home by myself and reading and book. Or just hanging out with some friends at a café etc. etc. Im pretty hard to figure out, I think. I can come off as a total freak but a really sensitive person at the same time. Personally, I see myself as both.

Postat av: Alexandra

Nämen, tjenixen :D

2008-09-22 @ 18:21:06
Postat av: Anonym

Hi. I'm Celine. I love you. Bye.

2008-09-29 @ 20:17:49

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