And you wouldn't know me if your eyes were closed
My brother hosed me down with air- freshener. Now I smell like a bathroom.. great.
And it will feel like he's been there for hours, and I can tell that he'll be there for life
Who I am hates who I've been
They say that things just cannot grow beneath the winter snow, or so I have been told
You get the people and the government
Everybody taking different sides
Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit
Shows that we are united
Shows that we ain't gonna take it
I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for
And I don't have to stay this way, if only I could wake
Still a little bit delirious
Time is only wasting, so why wait for eventually?
Seize the day
Halebop-hallå- reklamen ligger just nu som #1 på min irritationslista. Brudens röst är ju inte att leka med. Och hela låten, konceptet.. don't even get me started.
So let me help you find a way to make sweet music again
A crooked little smile on her face tells a tale of grace that's all her own
A simple little kind of free
It's always going to be about the bioplasmic streamers, isn't it?
I'll follow your lead
You're the only one that knows
Tell me when you hear my silence
There's a possibility I wouldn't know
Jag önskar att jag var en sån som inte tänker alls
There is this one person who always seems to surprise me, regardless of the occasion. I thought I had her all figured out, but that was not quite the case. The truth is, she is much more sensitive than I could ever imagine. But, then again she is stronger than I ever thought she was. She's one of those people that you want to make laugh, because when she does it feels so good.
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
I'm gonna dress myself for two, once for me and once for someone new
He tried to work it out, but that was hard because she's an astronaut
Som gick på gator jag aldrig såg
Och tänkte tankar jag aldrig tänkte
Under ett tunt och flygigt hår
Och alla känslor slog och sprängde
Hela vardagen full med hål
I en tid då inget hände
I en stad som alltid sov
Men älskling, vi var alla en gång små
You keep me on my toes, no matter what day it is
Jag vill inte spara min längtan, jag har tänkt men aldrig fått tala
It goes on and on and on and on
And so it is the shorter story; no love, no glory, no hero in her sky
The lack of space for the light-hearted in the boom that beats our drum
And there I was thinking you were like a breath of fresh air
Been singing the tunes of this song all day,
not being able to shut up.
The least I can do is give you a choice of whether or not you should hear it.
If you wish to, click on the picture.
This time baby, I'll be bulletproof
But, right now I don't have access to one. So, instead? Dance.
Och jag ska aldrig mer säga sanningen till nån som saknar förmåga att förstå
You roll out of bed and down on your knees
And for a moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering was she really here?
Is she standing in my room?
I don't remember you looking any better, but then again I don't remember you
It's times like these that make you realize that you are alive.
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans
I must admit it helped a little bit to think of how you felt when you saw it
We'll cast some light and you'll be alright for now.
I could drop you off at the next red light if it don't make sense or it don’t feel right
Hon är inte något man får, hon är någon man ska förtjäna
Anything other than yes is no. Anything other than stay is go. Anything less than "I love you" is lying.
He can only hold her for so long, the lights are on but no one's home
It was a common mistake. Feel no remorse. It is even possible that your mistake had a positive effect on my behalf.
An advantage or benefit, if you will.