She may rise if I sing you down, and she may wisely cling to the ground
And you're talking like a stranger
So I don't know what to do
And I'm callous and I'm cruel to everyone but you
And it's been a while since I stared at the stars
Och alla vet vart du är, du skulle sälja din själ för att få stanna där
And even if you meant "no", you could have just said "yes". You realize that, don't you?
But you don't pull my string because I'm a better man, moving on to better things
So, he broke one of my guitar- strings. But atleast this way I know he'll come back for sure. He owes me.
And before we knew it was too late for making circles and telling lies
And figure out what's stopping us
From breathing easy, and talking straight
If you give a little love you can get a little love of your own, don't break his heart
Så står det skrivet i pannan att man väcker en ångest när man släcker en annan
Here's another by Glen and Markéta
No doubt in my mind where you belong
Drew Pellegrin
Today it's this
But things would just be easier with you
You know in a year, it's gonna be better. You know in a year, I'm gonna be happy
Nu tror du säkert att jag hoppas på nåt som aldrig ska bli av
Men jag har aldrig lyssnat när du lovat, aldrig ställt några krav
Please don't lie, oh it makes me cry
I keep thinking of things to write when I'm falling asleep or on the verge of waking up. And I always think to myself
"Laura, remember this now.", but I never do. So here.
I don't want us to be the end of me
The storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret
Cried when she should and she laughed when she could
I'm both in motion as well as stuck. But, it works.
Today's song? This.
Jag vet att jag döljer en sanning, att väntan inte leder någonstans
Today it's this, for sure.
And I will love you in reality and dreams
There's a lot going on, so I feel like disconnecting myself temporarily from this blog- thing. If even just for a bit. I'll think it over.
If it was easy, it wouldn't mean nothing
And if they're really really lucky they'll get to feel
And if they're truly blessed they'll get to believe
Atleast he brings me flowers
By the way, today it's this.
The curl of your bodies like two perfect circles entwined
You thought I couldn't see without you, perfect vision
Today it's this
Så jag hör att du förklarat krig mot kärleken, men inte ska du dricka ditt hjärta itu
Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements even if they lead nowhere?
Det var så mycket som skulle göras idag. Idag var en sådan dag då jag vaknade i lugn och ro och intalade mig själv att det skulle bli en lyckad dag. Det skulle bli en sådan där rolig dag då jag skulle få gjort allt som behövde göras. Och visst gjorde jag mycket! ..Men, tyvärr inget av det som stod på listan. Men hey, som min danslärare säger: Det kan inte gå mer än åt helvete.
I'll never talk again, oh boy, you've left me speechless
Let's dance for a while. Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies
I can watch a sunset on my own
It's as simple as that.
Get cape. Wear cape. Fly.
Walking around barefoot and doing my best not to spill wine on my sunflowered dress.
Don't look down, there's nothing here for you to see
I thought I knew what I wanted. But as it turns out, that's the opposite of what I really need. And nowadays, I think my needs come first. I'm guessing you can figure out the outcome.
I still wish you'd fought me until your dying day
Making up the past and feeling up his girl like he's never felt her figure before
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so we can fly away?
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way