Du håller mig kvar i något lämnat för längesedan
I'm just sitting here, waiting for you to come on home and turn me on
Och samlat damm på min gitarr
Start wasting my time
You can turn the pavement into white sand, you can make a moment a memory in a glance
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry
And I feel as though I’ve known you since a thousand years
And you tell me that you’ve seen my face before
Dear redhead boy
I am trying to figure out whether or not she will let go. I don't think she is willing to, neither am I. Whoops.
Castles made of sand
I'm a romantic
I am indecisive
and that's about it.
Oh, when you're cold
Jag hade glömt hur underbart det är med KENT under mörka höstkvällar, särskilt när man sitter på en ödelagd tågstation i en stad döpt efter mineralvatten.
Feeling the same way all over again, singing the same lines all over again
Like a flower waiting to bloom
Like a lightbulb in a dark room
Like the desert waiting for the rain
Like a school kid waiting for the spring
My hi-fi's waiting for a new tune
The glass is waiting for some fresh ice cubes
I won't let you lie to yourself
There was a little toddler on the bus, with her mother. The kid kept pointing at a man about my own age and repeatedly yelled "Daddy". I found this very awkward. So did the mother.
Machines, machines, point me to the nearest party
If this is a race, then I hope you come last. You're on a bridge to nowhere and you're getting there fast
The truth is, you need to have reached a stage of disfunction before you can accept flow. My life is in motion.
It is flowing.. quite freely actually.
Jag mår bra, och det blir vackert
It's true, life will smile for you
Dear redhead boy,
It is actually 12.56 pm.
But as soon as this song started playing, the daytime turned to night. It started to snow and I was on the other side of town. And I was not alone, either.
And the girl who can save me is well across the Pennines
Let's dance to joy division
And celebrate the irony
Everything is going wrong
But we're so happy
Here's another song about a gender I'll never understand
Men du behöver inte säga något
Can you take me higher, to a place where blind men see?
I yelled back when I heard thunder, but I'm down to one last breath
Det fanns en kärlek, men den har brunnit ut. Du fick för stor del av mitt liv, jag kunde inte andas tillslut
Kom hem när du vill, jag är vaken hela natten
Two very special things happened today. The first, was that it snowed. I liked that. I know I was complaining a bit, but really, I was smiling on the inside. Secondly, I walked into a street sign. That hurt.
Jag vill inte spara min längtan. Jag har tänkt, men aldrig fått tala
I surprise myself. We keep reaching new levels. Breakthrough, they call it. I can't help but wonder, when will it all end? It's far too good to be true. But I also find myself wanting more. And I love this feeling.
Because it is getting colder outside, but warmer inside.. me
I want to take long drives with you. I want to drive up mountains. And then I want to take in the scenery. With you, of course.
Are you the kind that cries when no one is watching?
You're just one of those people, you fly. You fly higher than the rest of us. That's good. Flying high is ambitious. But dear, please don't let me lose sight of you. There are others up there, in your league. But they're just as light- headed as you. And I, I am here to keep you grounded.
Jag ser pojkar som gråter och flickor som tar dem i hand
Det regnade idag, och jag tackar dig för det
Det tar ett tag för mig, jag kanske glömmer hur man gör
Sist var himlen vit som papper ovanför
Men jag har slutat säga nej, nu ska jag göra vad jag kan
Jag ska riva mina murar tills vi ser varann