A friend with a car
Today has been a pretty good day over all. Alot of laughter, a few surprises and nostalgia, nostalgia, nostalgia. I basically want to fast forward to the part about my nostalgic feelings, but first I feel I must mention Sara's birthday cake. Oh my word.. Banana & chocolate. It actually made me scream on the inside. Thanks, Sara's grandmother.
Anyway, so I am sitting in a classroom. Just a random classroom. We're haveing Swedish, Valter is being boring as usual and no one is really paying attention (which is actually really bad..). So, I turn to Sara who is listening to her Ipod and I for ask one of her earphones. Well, the Right one actually.
Since she obeys my every command (haha), she kindly hands it to me. Right away I hear the beautiful voice of Håkan Hellström. I think it was Hurricane Gilbert (If not, I sooner or later shuffle over to that song, which is one of my favorites). And then I start thinking "How would you describe Håkan Hellström to someone who didn't know who he was?"
Not necessarily what he looks like, or what kind of music he plays. If anything, the aching feeling that you get inside when you listen to his voice. Or when you see him live. Personally, I have seen him twice.
I ask Sara how she would describe him, but she doesn't have much to contribute with either, haha. The most that the two of us can come up with are words like "Wonderful", "Swedish Summers", "Goosebumps" and so on. Which describe him to certain point, but not quite all the way.
I don't really know what I wanted to bring out by writing this. I just had to tell you all how I felt when we sat there for over half and hour and just listened to Håkan's every word. I just all of the sudden felt very.. spirited? That would probably be an appropriate word, to say the least.
I can't imagine my ITunes playlist without his name somewhere in it.
Visst känns det fint att vara vid liv?
Ants marching
I just said goodbye to my sister. Tomorrow, at 5.24 she leaves for her three month trip to New York. For those who didn't know, she will be studying dance at Broadway Dance Centre during this period of time. She will also be living in Manhattan, eating great junk food, watching new episodes of all the good tv- series and well, dancing. Could I be more jealous? Her boyfriend will be visiting at christmas. Hopefully, my father and I will be going during autumn break. I really do hope so..
What a great morning I had! woke up at 6.30 to go to the flee- market that was atleast 1 km long. Made several satisfying purchases. After that I took a 35- minute bus ride to my ballet class in Malmö. Very reaxling. Both the bus ride and the class. Hm, I think I'm going to go to bed now. It's 6 pm. But I am exhausted..
I breathe in, I breathe out
I started my day by listening to Chris Cagle. Some good, old country in the morning is a great way to start the day.
Schools was fine. Gym class was actually pretty nice.. for a change. Oh well. Blabla.. the day went on. Not alot of particularly exciting events occured. But still, it was a pretty good day. Just floating around. Although, I had to go to the nurse about 2- 3 times. I had a bad headache. Well, things are better now because my Dad came home from Canada. I got my NIBS. Yes, thanks to my Dad.. it's been a good day.
Honestly, what will become of me?
My day has been
I need inspiration. I want something more. I want to start over. A fresh new start.
Inspire me. Motivate me. I need that feeling of complete euphoria.
Today I feel BLEH.
My day has been BLEH.
Simply knowing you exist, ain't good enough for me
Quote of the day
Ok, I understand that most of you don't find this amusing at all, but like I have said so many times before "You have to have been there.."
As of today
Things are going to change
As I had assumed, the weekend did bring alot of fun moments. The party was just.. jolly. Thanks for a great evening. full of surprises, good friends, lots of dancing and hardly any set- backs.
Ohh.. Saturday. Great day. Except that I completely forgot about my ballet class. I totally slept through it. That was horrible. I felt so embarrassed. But mostly sad because I didn't get to dance ! But Laserdome was so much fun. Played three games, so about an hour. There were aboout 20- 30 peple playing each game, including the six of us. I came in 10th place once, pretty proud ;) At the beginning of the second game.. I ran up to this ramp. And Then i peeked around the corner to see if anyone was there. I got soo freaked out when I saw a man standing there. He didn't have a vest on, so I could only see his silhouette. He turned hi flashlight on.. and then off again. I was like "Uh.. who are you?" And then he replied is a really dark voice "Don't you worry about that". I was almost certain that he was going to hurt me. We were alone at the very end of the huge room, in a little corner. It was dark. There were so many sounds and no one could possibly hear me if I screamed... BUT! he just walked away. That was a huge relief.
So hard to saty, too hard to leave
Autumn is here. Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way. I think I might be getting sick. I hope not. This weekend shall be full of events. Meeting up with a bunch of friends tonight. Hopefully, make a few new ones. Working tomorrow and then playing Laserdome with some close friends in the evening. I love it, it makes me feel like a kid. Speaking of being a kid, I learned that I probably won't get much taller that I am at the moment. A few centimetres would have been nice, but I've always been short. I guess it's kind of my signature.
"I'm looking for my friend Laura."
"Who is that? Does she go to our school?"
"Litte short black haired girl."
"Oooh, I know who that is."
I have heard different versions of this conversation far too many times. But, I don't mind.
It's cold. I'm sitting here in my huge socks made of down. Damn you, Autumn! No actually, it's probably one of my favorite seasons. My other favorite seasons are winter, spring and summer of course. I like autumn because it's my birthday season. It's coming up.... I have no idea (Actually just a few small ones) how I'm gonna celebrate. Any ideas? Please comment if you have any.
Quote of the day:
J: Ja, och de täckte ju leran med en glasyr som gjorde att den blev lättare att bygga med. Det är därför nomadernas hus höll lite bättre efter ett tag.
M: Alltså, sockerglasyr.. eller?
Gash, I'm going to bury myself in ten thousand blankets and watch Oprah now. Bye
Too far from where you are
But, I can tell you that I felt on top of the world, almost in space as a matter of fact.

Must get out
Moon palace

Det bästa är att få ens vänner att skratta.
Men, ännu bättre är det att se ens vänner skratta.
Vad otrevlig du är
OCH jag bryr mig inte om populäritet. Alla mina besökare är mycket snelare än dina ^^ SNEL.
Jag hatar verkligen att bränna tungan
Bra dag. Trött idag. Men, bra dag. Och att börja med 1.5 timmars balett är aldrig fel. Har funderat ganska mycket på sistone. IDag när jag väntade på bussen inne i stan, kom jag att tänka på henne. Ville verkligen bara träffa henne, och umgås? Jag hatar att jag aldrig kan göra det. Jag vill bara prata hem henne. Krama henne. Det blir alltid så när det är höst och vinter. Malmö på kvällen får mig alltid att tänka på henne. Känns konstigt. Men, så är det.
The space between
Jag kan berätta att den största tanken jag i hjärnan är dans. Mjaaa... Jag har kommit frma till att jag dansar lika mycket i vekcan som jag gjorde på Wettergrens (4 år sedan).. och det känns ganska bra. väldigt väldigt bra. Jag tänker på dans&gestaltningen och att det är synd att jag bara har det två gånger i veckan. Jag tänker på dansen utanför skolan. Ska bara gå två gånger i veckan. Tänker på Spyxet. VIll jag verkligen gå med? .. Ja, om jag nu kommer med. Och pallar jag btala 120 kr? usch. OCH vilken dans ska jag söka med?
Jag sätter på lite Flight of the conchords... så mår jag säkert bättre.